Tailored accommodation for your success
+442034884372 |
info@global-nbs.com |
  • NBS Global Venue
    We find the best site and accommodations for your event, allowing you to focus on the details of the event itself.
  • About


    NBS Global Venue is a professional venue-search company that locates customized venues for conferences, congresses and events anywhere in the world. We negotiate on behalf of our clients to obtain the highest quality accommodations, the most flexible contract terms, and the lowest rates, protecting our client’s interests and providing full transparency throughout the booking process.

    With 20 years of experience in the hotel and event industry, NBS Global Venue has connections to key venues around the world, providing expertise in all areas of venue search, booking and contract negotiation. We research hotels for both current and future events, negotiate terms that maximize savings for our clients, provide venue contracts with full disclosure under the company’s name and tailor all of our search and location activities to your specific needs.

    Fostering long-term relationships with unwavering commitment to our clients, we do what it takes to help ensure the success of your event.
    NBS Global Venue | E-Brochure

    Our Philosophy

    We believe that forming strong, personal relationships with our clients is the key to providing complete, customized and reliable service. The better we know our clients, the better we can meet and anticipate their needs. We also believe in being proactive by for instance, securing venue booking solutions ahead of time to ensure the best rates and conditions.

    Transparency is very important in today’s business world, and we believe that companies and organizations should have the option to review the details of the hotel contract with the help of an experienced professional; someone with the knowledge and expertise that companies can rely on to make sure the contract fits their requirements and protects their interests. We also encourage our clients to maintain the contract under their own company’s name, enjoying direct contact with the hotel while enjoying rates with zero mark-up.

    Client satisfaction is of utmost importance to us and we are always willing to go the extra mile to fulfill all of your booking needs.

    Our Venue Relationships

    We know the people behind the logos.

    In the hotel and event industry, connections are key. We have personal contacts across all major international hotel chains as well as independent hotels and specialized properties. NBS Global Venue has the industry strength to connect you with accommodating and distinctive venue locations that match your event requirements, timeline and budget.

    Our Partners

    Destination expertise

    We’ve done the site inspections for you

    We have personally visited a multitude of destinations around the world, having conducted site visits, inspections and bookings at hundreds of venues. Our in-depth knowledge of hotel standards, local services, suppliers and amenities allow us to find tailored venues and secure the best rates for our clients. A sample of our many destinations:


    Contact Us

      +44 203 488 4372 | info@global-nbs.com